This Cloud Service Level Agreement is part of your Cloud Terms of Service.


    The following definitions shall apply for purposes of this Cloud Service Level Agreement:“Affected Components” means the Service(s) that have been affected by the failure to meet a Service Level Guarantee and include the initial Service that failed plus any Service(s) which become inaccessible or unable to perform their intended purpose under the Agreement as a result of the initial Service’s failure.

    “API Error” means (i) a HTTP 5xx server error response to a Valid API Request or (ii) no response to a Valid API Request because the API is down. Network errors or downtime outside of the Data Center Networks used by Selerum do not constitute an API error.”Cluster” means a group of Cloud Big Data Platform virtual servers preconfigured with Hadoop software, comprising of a Control Plane and the Data Plane.”Cloud Database Instance” means your unique database instance and the availability of the storage volume provisioned for your instance, as well as the API you use to administer the Cloud Databases Service.

    “Control Plane” means the API used to create, manage, and delete your Cloud Server or (for Cloud Big Data Platform Services) your Cluster(s).

    “Cloud Server” means a unique virtual machine instance, save for OnMetal Cloud Servers Services where Cloud Server shall mean a physical server instance.

    “Credit Percentage” means a credit amount calculated as a percentage of the Service Fees (and for Cloud Queues includes bandwidth charges, and for Cloud Servers includes hourly virtual machine usage and bandwidth charges where applicable) in the affected Region.

    “Data Center Infrastructure Downtime” means a Host Server experiences a failure as a result of Power or heating problems.

    “Data Center Network” means the portion of the cloud networks Selerum used extending from the network egress point of your Host Server, or for Cloud Files Services the cloud edge device, to the outbound port of the data center border router.

    “Data Center Network Downtime” means a Host Server is not reachable as a result of a failure in the Data Center Network.

    “Data Plane” means the Cloud Servers or (for Cloud Big Data Platform Services) Clusters created via the applicable Control Plane plus supporting systems and services required for the proper functioning and availability of those Cloud Servers or Clusters.

    “DB Server” means the Selerum supplied and configured software and hardware for which DBA Services have been purchased, but specifically excluding customer provided software and any hardware or service which has been labelled “colocated”, “non-standard”, “unsupported” or with similar designation.

    “Host Server” means the physical server which hosts your Cloud Server or Cloud Databases Service, or (for Cloud Big Data Platform Services) the group of physical servers which host your Cluster, as applicable.

    “Load Balancer” means your unique cloud load balancer instance configured by Selerum.

    “Monthly Availability” means a monthly availability percentage calculated on a per customer, per Region basis, for a given monthly billing period, as follows: 1 – (total API Errors)/(total Valid API Requests).

    “Power” includes uninterruptible power supplies, power distribution units and cabling but excludes Host Server power supplies.

    “Region” means a particular physical data center location where the Host Server exists. Control Planes and Data Planes are independent per region and do not span regions.

    “Server Error Response” means an HTTP return status code between 500-599.

    “Service Fees” means the fees paid for the Services to which the relevant Service Level Guarantee applies, in the monthly billing period in which the event giving rise to a credit first occurred.

    “Valid API Request” is defined as a well formed request that complies with the published API Specification.

    “Volume” means a logically identified container or dataspace provisioned within the Cloud Block Storage Service for your use.

    Capitalized terms not defined in this Service Level Agreement shall have the meaning ascribed to them elsewhere in the Agreement.


    We guarantee that the Volumes will be available 99.9% of the time in a given monthly billing period.Volumes shall be deemed available unless:

    (i) the Cloud Block Storage Service returns a Server Error Response to a Valid API Request during two or more consecutive ninety (90) second intervals, or

    (ii) data stored on Volumes becomes inaccessible to the applicable Cloud Server. If we fail to meet this guarantee, you will be eligible for a credit calculated as a percentage of the Service Fee for the affected Volume, and based on the percentage of Volume availability in a given monthly billing period as follows:

    Cloud Block Storage availability Credit amount:

    • 99.89% – 99.5% 10%
    • 99.49% – 99.0% 25%
    • 98.99% – 98.0% 40%
    • 97.99% – 97.5% 55%
    • 97.49% – 97.0% 70%
    • 96.99% – 96.5% 85%
    • Less than 96.5% 100%

    We guarantee that your Cloud Database Instance(s) will be available 99.9% of the time in any given monthly billing period. If we fail to meet this guarantee, you will be eligible for a credit calculated as a percentage of the Service Fees, as follows: Five percent (5%) of the Service Fees for each 30 minutes of Cloud Database Instance unavailability, after the first 0.1% of unavailability during the month, up to one hundred percent (100%) of the Service Fees. You shall not be entitled to a credit if:

    (i) the event giving rise to the credit would not have occurred but for the resizing any Cloud Database Instance(s) upon your instructions (including by increasing or decreasing the amount of storage or compute resources dedicated to a given Cloud Database Instance), or
    (ii) where the applicable Cloud Database Instance(s) are root enabled.


    We guarantee that the Cloud Files Services will be available 99.9% of the time in a given billing cycle. The Cloud Files Services will be deemed available unless:

    (i) the Data Center Network is experiencing Data Center Network Downtime, or
    (ii) the Cloud Files Service returns a Server Error Response to a Valid API Request during two or more consecutive ninety (90) second intervals, or
    (iii) the global network of servers designed to expedite delivery of web content by serving the content from a location in geographic proximity to the user, known as a Content Delivery Network, fails to deliver an average download time for a 1-byte reference document of 0.3 seconds or less, as measured by Selerum’s third party measuring service. If we fail to meet this guarantee you will be eligible for a credit calculated as a percentage of your Service Fees, and based on the duration of the availability in a given monthly billing period as follows:

    Cloud Files availability Credit amount

    • 99.89% – 99.5% 10%
    • 99.49% – 99.0% 25%
    • 98.99% – 98.0% 40%
    • 97.99% – 97.5% 55%
    • 97.49% – 97.0% 70%
    • 96.99% – 96.5% 85%
    • Less than 96.5% 100%

    We guarantee that your Load Balancers will be available 99.99% of the time in any given monthly billing period. Load Balancers will be deemed available unless network traffic is unable to reach the load balanced servers or endpoints as appropriate. In the event of a Load Balancer failure, the system shall failover to a partner device resulting in less than 30 (thirty) seconds of Load Balancer unavailability. If we fail to meet this guarantee you will be eligible for a credit calculated as a percentage of the Service Fee (including monthly instance, concurrent connections and bandwidth charges) as follows: Five percent (5%) of the Service Fees for each hour of unavailability or part thereof, up to one hundred percent (100%) of the Service Fees.


    6.1 Control Plane Service Level Guarantee. This Control Plane Service Level Guarantee applies only to Cloud Server (Next Gen), OnMetal Cloud Server, and Cloud Big Data Platform Services. We guarantee the Control Plane shall have 99.9% Monthly Availability. If we fail to meet this guarantee you will be eligible for a credit, calculated as follows:

    Monthly Availability Credit Percentage

    • < 99.9% – 99.5% 10%
    • < 99.5% – 99.0% 20%
    • < 99.0% 30%

    6.2. Data Plane Service Level Guarantees. Save as expressly stated to the contrary below, these Data Plane Service Level Guarantees apply to Cloud Server (First Gen), Cloud Server (Next Gen), OnMetal Cloud Server, and Cloud Big Data Platform Services.

    6.2.1 Network Availability Service Level Guarantee. Selerum guarantees that the Data Center Networks it uses will be available one hundred percent (100%) of the time in any given monthly billing period. The Data Center Network will be deemed available unless a Cloud Server is not reachable due to Data Center Network Downtime. If we fail to meet this guarantee you will be eligible for a credit, as follows: Five percent (5%) of the Service Fees for each thirty (30) minutes of Data Center Network Downtime (or portion thereof), up to one hundred percent (100%) of the Service Fees.

    6.2.2 Data Center Infrastructure Service Level Guarantee. Selerum guarantees that data center HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) and Power will be functioning one hundred percent (100%) of the time in any given monthly billing period. Data center HVAC and Power will be deemed functioning unless experiencing Data Center Infrastructure Downtime. If we fail to meet this guarantee, you will be eligible for a credit, as follows: Five percent (5%) of the Service Fees for each thirty (30) minutes of Data Center Infrastructure Downtime (or portion thereof), up to one hundred percent (100%) of the Service Fees.

    6.2.3 Cloud Server Hosts Service Level Guarantee. Selerum guarantees the functioning of all Host Servers hosting the Cloud Servers or Cluster (including the hypervisor, where applicable). If a Host Server hosting a Cloud Server or Cluster fails, Selerum guarantee that restoration or repair will be complete within two (2) hours of problem identification. If we fail to meet this guarantee you will be eligible for a credit, as follows: Five percent (5%) of the Service Fees for each additional hour of unavailability (or portion thereof), after the first hour, up to one hundred percent (100%) of the Service Fees.


    Selerum guarantees that its Cloud Sites Services will be available one hundred percent (100%) of the time in any given monthly billing period. If we fail to meet this guarantee, you will be eligible for a credit, as follows: the equivalent of one (1) day’s Service Fees for each sixty (60) minutes of Cloud Sites Services unavailability (or portion thereof), up to one hundred percent (100%) of the Service Fees.

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